Make your own premiere with your friends on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. You can start to read the novel (watch the video and read the text) now. If you like it, you can invite your friends and make you own premiere event on Wednesday. This way everyone can have fun at the time and location of your choice. You can also cut a part of the video for your use, but make reference to “I, Wednesday Addams (pastiche)” or to official site
In 2022, you saw the film adaptation of the novel I wrote in Nevermore. But parallelly, I created another work too.
That parallel work is about my true feelings and secret plans, which I never showed before. Now I am starting to share it with my reader.
Wednesday Addams.
P. S.
I promise: you’ll love and discover new secrets in my “Wednesday” (2022) if you watch it again after you carefully read my confessions in
“I, Wednesday Addams”
And maybe you’ll even make some new friends in your personal real life.

I, Wednesday Addams
Chapter two:
Part I:
To Remember Everything
(About what do I still feel to Tyler)
Part II:
El Honor de la Familia
(About what happened before I came to Nevermore and why concretely I want to cut off my old life and my family and escape Nevermore.)
The video that I release is only 15 minutes, it is a part of the full video (97 minutes).
I, Wednesday Addams
PART I – To Recall Everything
I always knew that deep inside him, I was the love of his life. In late 2022 and early 2023, I mentally returned. Back to N. Faulkner’s diary, stolen from me. Back to the mystic academy, Nevermore. Back to people who supported me and trusted in me. Among them is my psychotherapist, Dr. Valerie Kinbott. Murdered in 2022 by a monster called Hyde. I falsely accused her of being Hyde’s mistress. I thought she had unlocked him through hypnosis.
Her other patient was Tyler Galpin, my fated first love. He transformed into Hyde. But after I had danced with his angels, I felt that if no one stands between our love and if the rival woman (Laurel Gates) dies, then my name could silence his demons.
Our last night together: Did he try to kill me? One night before. A reversed situation. I played as if I wanted to kill my love. I took the hammer and stuck out only after I clearly heard the police siren. Just a light torture? It was just my freak show. I didn’t try to leave him a mark, but to force his Hyde to develop a bond with me.
As Nathaniel Faulkner adumbrated, the bond arises after a ‘traumatic event’. Also psychical. A Hyde possession grants great but concealed power. But Hyde’s master can lose his Hyde. Faulkner wrote also that a Hyde can get a new master who replaces the old one.
Hydes’ bonds remain only for living masters. If the old master dies, Hyde falls asleep and “lays dormant” again. So it can be unleashed by a new traumatic event, and it “develop[s] an immediate bond with its […] new master”.
But being Hyde’s master means more than just terrifying power. It also means: You are always a target. The old master’s fate could repeat with the new master. How do I prove whether I am new? What should I remember?
1) ‘indeed the sundry’s contemplation of my travels, in which my often rumination wraps me in a most humorous sadness’
2) (N. Faulkner’s diary uses the notation ‘Hide’ from the Modern English. The notation ‘Hyde’ with ‘y’ instead of ‘i’ is known from ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. It relates at once to the Old English noun ‘hyd’ ( ) and the Old English verb ‘hydan’ ( )
3) …willing instrument… of… this new master
4) The adjective “new” would be superfluous and redundant if a master could only be only one and forever. Nathaniel Faulkner, the founder and rector, ciphered his diaries for a variety of reasons.
PART II – El Honor de la Familia
There are many books about prisoners, corrupt experts, and prejudiced authorities; sadism in closed wards; prisoners’ families that collaborate with authorities; and prisoners’ hope to escape (also from such families). One of those books should become my fourth novel in 2022.
It was Vermont Fall Foliage in 2022. He was a hiker and the third victim. (False name: Ben Clarke). Murdered on Wednesday morning, on the same day, my parents brought me to Nevermore almost directly from a closed psychiatric clinic. I spent several months there, as the court ordered.
Hyde Master knew about my coming some weeks before it. She started her killing agenda one week before. The Hyde lacerated victims No. 1 and No. 2 with the same pattern, like he killed the hiker. The hiker died minutes before it rained and minutes before my arrival in Nevermore on Wednesday. The day of the week, the third little Normie was killed on. (Some deja vu to Agatha Christie).
For some people, the third day was twice good. For me, it was double-woe. First, upon my arrival at the academy, stupid rumors about me were already known, and my personal space was infringed. And second, good rumors about my parents were still known. So, my resocialization meant that I had to copy my mother. Meant, to become a nice girl.
Judge Reynolds allowed my parents to take me from the closed ward a few days before I would have escaped. That third attempt would have worked, for sure. I planned each careful step.
Of course, I would never stay in Nevermore. My goal was to live alone in some secret place. And to rewrite my detective novel about my alter ego. Viper, a.k.a. Vesper de la Muerte.
This new academy was nothing special, as was Jericho. Vamps, Gorgones are less interesting than writing a novel competing with Frankenstein’s author, Mary Shelley. Talents of Sirens or Werevolves are less interesting than a capo de la droga of any Mexican cartel.
If I stayed here, I would become some therapist’s labor rat. Bear personal space infringements. Bear the “cure” in her “strictly confident sessions”. Dr. Kinbott got access to my strictly confident, unpublished novels about Vesper de la Muerte. For my next detective novel about Vesper de la Muerte, I wanted to collect material from around the world. Not be somebody’s material. I wanted to be free from the lies that surrounded me. Not remain under control of: Principal Weems and my parents; diverse “professionals”, ordered by court, like criminal psychologists and mental health experts, according to whom I was clinically insane and posing a grave treat to society.
I remember his honor, Judge Reynolds (this monster and wanabe great inquisitor or witch hunter). Judge Reynolds was absolutely like Crackstone in my visions. He wanted me to stay in a booby hatch forever. His honor was disposed to any arbitrary legal judgment. At the beginning of the court hearing, he had already turned the offenders’ pack into victims and had already found me guilty of attempted twentyfold murder. Nevermore should be my last chance. If I get expelled, I go to a closed clinic or jail for longer. As a dangerous freak who never regrets his actions.
I attacked Dalton and his pack for my family’s honor and for my younger brother’s security.The deterrent would protect my brother while I was in jail. But I never expected my own family would have no honor. My peaceful parents cared more about what people say or what judge Reynolds thinks than about their children’s security. Dalton’s family tried to obliterate me for their son. But the white and soft Addams family sabotaged my efforts to build a deterrent. ¡Adiós, mi familia! I can’t protect you any longer. ¡Adiós!
1) According to the police report given to the newspaper, 78-year-old Benjamin Clarke, with a rifle, was killed by a bear. Not to confuse with old Fabian, who lived in forest in old meeting house ruins, who stole the Minolta reflex camera and was killed much later. The true name of the third victim is Ethan Hanson. Also, Olivia Devis (the second victim) was a false name, as I learned after several weeks of research.
According to the newspaper, there were also other victims before the known three. I am not sure that these newspaper tell the truth. However, Tyler probably trained more than four times before he killed Dr. Kinbott.
2) The audience by Larissa Weems was a few hours after my arrival because the pentagon was almost dry when Enid showed me it.
3) Who was born on Thursday, October 5, 2006?
4) Even if it’s probably that Shakespeare’s Ophelia killed herself (without the help of somebody), it’s probably that she was gone mad for other reason(s) than her family. I agree with my uncle Fester’s version: Ophelia was pregnant. But why from King Claudius? Everyone can read in Shakespeare that Ophelia talked about her love for Hamlet and his response. Her father, Polonius, and Hamlet’s uncle, King Claudius, talked about that love and marriage. I asked Fester, “Why Claudius? It’s obvious; Hamlet was the father.” But my uncle just joked with me and talked nonsense like always.
I investigated that problem by myself and imagined that Claudius took Ophelia’s virginity. So did she try to marry at least some of Claudius’s relatives (Hamlet) as soon as possible? Then the child would resemble the cookold? Did Hamlet recognize that Ophelia and others played a false game? Did Claudius encourage their union to cover his intercourse with Ophelia? Did Hamlet suspect that his uncle’s interest in that marriage was equivocal? Anyhow, it remains unclear whether someone helped Ophelia die. But Ophelia’s family (father and brother) maybe even did not know the truth and had no possibility to drive her mad.
5) I did not really wish for any friends in Nevermore, not even Enid Sinclair.
6) Wherefrom did Dr. Kinbott know about the teen girl detective?
7) Of course, my mother was the wistleblower!
8) My family’s history I believed all my life in, after my trial — it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Chapter 2: A Story of More Woe
(Read and watch for 89 minutes.)
Part I: To recall everything
Part II: El honor de la familia
Part III: My hard trial and my soft parents
Part IV: Viper is attracted to danger
Part V: Who cares if I die?
Part VI: Hunting the monster
Part VII: Modern Gates’ society
Part VIII: Rector Faulkner’s dilema
Part IX: Tyler’s love and Tyler’s Hyde’s love
Part X: Disaster of my perfect plan
Part XI: Crackstone’s help and new hope
All rights to use the materials (including the original sound tracks) are legally cleared. Inter alia of Netflix, MGM Television/Lakeshore Records, et alienum, especially with the persons in the picture. The copyright and neighboring rights clearances according to US, UK, and EU law count, inter alia, for the screening’s place and time. At the same time, all own rights are reserved (for more, see credits). The namesake novel is also legally cleared literary work.